We are proud to announce the launch of our new Preschool and Kindergarten Readiness program – “BRIDGES”!
TUT’s BRIDGES ABA and Social Skills preparatory programs provides children with autism the opportunity to transition and follow a “typical” preschool model to prepare them for preschool and kindergarten. The Bridges prep program is recommended for children who have made great strides in an intensive, Comprehensive ABA program or for children who require Focused ABA with an emphasis on socialization and learning in a group environment.
Students in our Bridges program learn and interact in small groups and follow more group instruction, however, each student has a dedicated, full time ABA therapist in the room to provide 1:1 ABA instruction (supervised by a BCBA), conduct observations and record their student’s progress. Students participate in math, language arts, writing, art and science activities following a weekly themed curriculum. All material is tailored to each child’s readiness level and individual learning style and ABA goals are embedded in six separate learning centers of the room.
TUT’s Bridges preparatory program program room is overseen by a Certified Teacher, the child’s ABA Therapist, and a BCBA overseeing direct programing and goals. All children considered for the program are required to meet certain standard qualifications as well as have the recommendation of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA).
For children with autism, this program is a needed “bridge” that will certainly facilitate and ease the transition into a main stream educational setting and a more independent life.