Just over six months ago my son began ABA therapy. Making the decision to send him was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done as a mom…looking back now I know it was the best decision I could have made for him. When his therapy started he had to begin with a minimum of twenty five hours per week. Thinking of him away from me for that many hours put a pit in my stomach and knowing he was going to work up to thirty five hours a week was even harder to come to terms with. I was so afraid he would become resentful and refuse to go to school every day. To my surprise he did the exact opposite, he enjoyed going to school every day (there were a few days of tears but they faded fast). Me on the other hand, I still have days when I cry after I drop him off…
Truth be told, the hardest part of it all was accepting that his diagnosis was real. I knew that sending him to ABA therapy made his diagnosis more of a reality. Acceptance has been my biggest hurdle through this journey and something I’m still struggling with.
Even though it’s still so hard for me, I know my son is exactly where he needs to be and I see first hand how much he is thriving. He’s made so much progress in so many ways. He communicates using his PECS board, he’s becoming more vocal, he’s accepting his sister and truly enjoying her company, he’s beginning potty training, he can tolerate a hair cut, he is more open to trying new foods, he’s learning how to interact with his peers, and the list could go on..
I know autism doesn’t define who my son is, it’s just a small part of who he is, and he is truly so much more.