The immeasurable impact that The Uncommon Thread has had on my son is almost too difficult to put into words. His progress has been just shy of what feels like a miracle. I recently watched a home video of my Max. It was bittersweet to watch. In the video Max was 2 years old. He did not speak and only knew some sign language. He displayed many of the characteristics associated with autism, flapping his hands, grabbing at the air around him, crashing into things and or hitting himself in frustration. All of that being the bitter. The sweet part was that I can now say that because of a strict, well thought out, personalized and integrated plan Max’s progress has been monumental. Max has just turned 4. We have full sentence conversations, he is potty trained, he no longer takes a bottle, he has many life skills and he is coming to life all over again! He plays with children at the park, he understands sharing and game play. I could cry writing this I’m so happy for him.
The miracle that has taken place within Max is because of the above and beyond efforts that The Uncommon Thread makes for Max. The therapy that they have provided isn’t just for Max it has been for myself as well. Their approach is family oriented. They have held my hand every step of the way, from neurologist appointments to bed time routines. I will be forever grateful for their guidance, support, knowledge, compassion, patience and complete understanding of Max.
So if you are ready, willing and able to provide your child with every possible opportunity to combat the potential lifelong ramifications that our children may suffer from, you have found the most exceptional place to embark on this new journey with your child.
Love and best wishes,
Max and Maureen