Amanda has been a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst since 2017 and has over 15 years of experience in the field of ABA. Amanda has a B.A. in Psychology from Pace University and an M.S.Ed in Special and General Education through Touro College. Amanda joined TUT in 2018 and quickly established herself as a BCBA that could provide guidance and mentorship to other BCBAs. In 2021, Amanda was promoted to Senior BCBA and has been an integral part of the development and rollout of TUT’s BCBA Best Practices Professional Development Series. In Amanda’s new role as Clinical Director, she will have many important areas of responsibility. Amanda will provide individualized behavioral supports for learners, supervise those seeking BACB certification, oversee the Parent Training Best Practice through 1:1 support, expand professional development, and provide clinical support to learners and BCBAs identified through TUT’s Tiered System. Amanda has proven to be a person that can manage these areas with ease and expertise.
She will no doubt ensure our BCBAs are delivering services at an optimal level, and that our learners are significantly benefiting from her oversight.